Wednesday, March 2, 2011

unexpected grace

Nampa, United States

have you ever got rid of everything you have owned? i know some of you reading have. having done it several times now,i have observed some predictable stages in this process: first, i start with the "good riddance stuff." you know, presents given to you by a relative who will come looking for it displayed your home, stuff that you had good intentions of fixing or upscaling that over time just made you feel kind of guilty when you'd look at it because you knew you never would...easy to get rid of.
next, comes the piles of things under your bed, (for me that would be pictures or art that i like but didnt make the present cut for wall space. the junk drawers and boxes in the garage i never got around to unpacking the last time i moved..."the easy to put off bcause it requires sorting but fairly easy to get rid of stuff."
lastly, as you have probably guessed is the hard to give up items. it was kind of interesting to realize just what those things were. i dont have much that i have held on to for long. some treasures that i have meant to, have long been lost somewhere. if i told what hardest to get rid of belonging was, you would laugh.
i overcame my tendancy to procrastinate and began the arduous process or sorting and sifting through my earthly treasures a few months ago. i had a yard sale with my friend which consisited of two van loads of mostly easy to get rid of stuff. next i took pictures of my furniture and posted them on facebook to give my friends first picks. craigslist got the leftovers.

here is where the unexpected grace came in. we had prayed over our stuff and asked god to get it to people who would be blessed by it. while i anticipated that this would happen, i was was totally surprised by how much those people blessed me!
the most remarkable encounter was with a gal who called me about my desk. i never really cared much for the cumbersome old dark piece of furniture until i transformed it with a sloppy coat of white paint and viola!-- shabby chic. when she arrived to see it, i instantly liked her. she told me she liked the style of the desk so i showed her several similar pieces, which she took. she shared with me that she was about to open an organic (natural, chemical free ) hair salon and my "hard to get rid of" furniture would outfit her new shop. how cool! i enjoyed hearing about her new venture and by the end of our conversation i found myself wanting to give her all the cool stuff i could find!
when she and her husband came back with a trailer, we talked for a long while, realizing we shared much in common. before they departed, i asked them if i could pray for them. they graciously accepted. we encounted god together and were filled with joy! in the midst of a business transaction, heaven came down!
through this i am once again reminded that god wants to be a part of everthing in life. he is not to busy with world affairs or too holy to be bothered with little details, like who gets my desk!
p.s. the hardest to get rid of item? a gaudy broqued vintage mirror that i spray painted
powder blue. i am going to find a way to bolt it onto a wall on the bus. see, i told you you'd laugh!

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